İzmir - Birgi Çakırağa Mansion

İzmir - Birgi Çakırağa Mansion

It is one of the rare mansions, whose architectural style special to the Aegean region could be protected until today. The construction of the mansion is known to be started in 1761 by Şerif Aliağa. Furthermore, the rich, colorful and ornamented style of the mansion show that it has been constructed in the first half of the 19th century.

The ground floor walls of the mansion having three floors, external sofa, double large wooden house rooms are made with stone building and the mid and upper floor walls are made with fill in wooden framework technique.

Entrance to the mansion having an internal garden is provided via two separate large, wooden doors. In the ground floor covered with stone plates, the locations for the service personnel, guard, guest acceptance, stable and hayloft are located. Access from the ground floor to the upstairs is provided by a wooden stair having rails. In the intermediate floor, having a lower ceiling in comparison with other floors, which is used in winter, there are five rooms and a toilet. From the hall of the intermediate floor, the upper floor having a high ceiling, which is used in summer, is reached again with a wooden, internal staircase. The upper floor has a long, rectangular plan with an open sofa, as is the case for the intermediate floor. It has two doorsteps, two projections, two large wooden house rooms. The ceilings and walls of the upper floor are ornamented with rich plant and fruit motifs and city panoramas. The windows provide illumination in the form of two rows, being flat in the lower part and arched stained glass in the upper part.

The mansion, which has been constructed in the second half of the 18th century and the restoration of which is understood to be made in the first half of the 19th century draws attention with the wood workmanship and panoramas. These ornaments have reached today without any deterioration.

The mansion, which has been used as a residence until recent times (1950), has been transferred to the Ministry of Culture. The repair of the mansion has been started in 1977 and some houses around the mansion have been nationalized in 1983. After the completion of works for the internal arrangement and exhibition, the mansion has been opened for visit in 1995. Another place that is open for visit is the oriental house just beside the mansion.

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