Ordu Etnoghraphy Museum

Ordu Etnoghraphy Museum


The Ordu museum is located in the provincial centre in the Selimiye neighbourhood on Taşocak Street. The building which is known as the "Paşaoğlu Konağı" (the Paşaoğlu Mansion) is a first class example of a civic architecture. It was built by Paşaoğlu Hüseyin Efendi, one of the rich notables of Ordu, in 1896.

The building covers an area of 625 m² together with its garden. The stones of the mansion were brought from Ünye, its wood and tiles from Romania and craftsmen from İstanbul were engaged in its construction.

The mansion (konak) which is one of the most beautiful examples of the 19th century civic architecture is a three storey bulding including the ground floor. The ground floor is arranged as the administative offices, the first floor as the section of ethnographic materials and the second floor reflects the characteristics mansion life.

The Paşaoğlu mansion was expropriated in 1982 by the General Directorate of Historical Works and the Museums of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture and its restoration started in 1983. It was inaugurated as the Paşaoğlu Konağı and Ethnography Museum on the 18th of November 1987 when the restoration and display arrangements were completed.

With the restoration of the Paşaoğlu mansion and and by opening it to public as a museum another one of the rare examples of a civic architecture of the Black Sea region that survived from the last century to our times and has been saved for the coming generations.

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