Usak - Atatürk and Ethnographical Museum

The Atatürk and Ethnographical Museum is situated in Hisarkapi Uluyolu (street), the Bozkurt district of the Usak province. The building was constructed during 1890’s. The building belonging to one of the important families of Usak, known as Kaftancizadeler, was used as the headquarters during the Independence War.

Atatürk received the Greek Armies Commander-in-Chief Trikopis in this building and also received the General's weapon and sword together with his general staff officers Ismet Pasha (Ismet Inönü), Dadayli Halit (Halit Akmansu), Asim Pasha ( Asim Gündüz). Despite of being a prisoner of war, the commander - in - chief Trikopis was welcomed with Turkish hospitability.

After being nationalised in the middle of 1970’s, the building was opende as the Atatürk and Ethnographical Museum on 1 September 1978.

In the entrance floor of the two-storey wooden house local ethnographical materials, historical Usak carpets and Esme kilims, old weapons, wearing apparel and other articles are exhibited.

The first floor has been organized completely as the Atatürk Museum. Mirrors of that period, coffee tables, armchairs, the bedroom used by Atatürk, and wearing apparel of Atatürk are displayed on this floor.

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