İzmir - Tire Museum Directorate

İzmir - Tire Museum Directorate


The movable cultural assets are exhibited in two halls in the museum. In the archeology hall, sculptures, grave stels, marble table legs, marble and cooked earth sarcophaguses, glass works, cooked earth oil candles belonging to the period between 3500 BC and 1100 AD, coins in chronological order, bronze oil candles, electron and silver coins and cooked earth small sculpture parts and child sculptures are exhibited. In the ethnography section, hand - written Koran - ı Kerims, writing sets, man and woman jackets, bed covers (ornamented with thread and silver), trousseau chests, bath clogs, bath and recovery cups, silver woman jewelry, ceramics having European roots used in the Ottoman Period, war instruments of various terms, dervish and dervish lodge goods, Çanakkale ceramics, tables, carpets, kilims and stained glass windows are exhibited.

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